第1回 総極真 世界空手道選手権大会
The 1st So-Kyokuishin World Karate Championship Tournament

[最新版 Update]

世界空手道選手権大会 出場カテゴリー(PDF) New
World Karate Championship tournament category (PDF) New



Heavy Weight / Light Weight entry criteria for the Intenational Goodwill Tournament & Junior High School Students

We have amended the weight criteria deciding which category each fighters will be placed as follows;
Men’s Heavy Weight: 50Kg, or above
Men’s Light Weight :  Below 50Kg

Women’s Heavy Weight: 45Kg, or above
Women’s Light Weight: Below 45Kg

Should you need to change the category which you, or your dojo student have already entered, or have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the following.

Tournament Organizing Office


We truly apologize for any inconvenience caused.



参照(第1回 総極真 世界空手道選手権大会)
Reference(The 1st So-Kyokuishin World Karate Championship Tournament)