Delivery of diplomas and Kyu belts in “Academia de Karate – Semper Fidelis” of So-Kyokushin, Barcelona – Spain.
In these last weeks the Honbu Dojo of So-Kyokushin Spain held several grade exams of different groups of the Dojo.
We are very proud of all the achievements of our students of the “Academia de Karate – Semper Fidelis”, obtained during these last six months.
Once the exams were over, we had the pleasure to organize, in the presence of parents and relatives, a delivery of diplomas and belts to the youngest students of our Dojo.
The delivery was accompanied by an exhibition performed by the young followers of our art, where all participants were able to demonstrate their skills as karateka, while showing their progress.
Taking advantage of the event, we awarded the prizes for the annual Japanese Poetry Contest “HAIKU”.
Once again, we have felt and understood what is our true mission as Kyokushinkai Karate instructors towards our students, as there is no greater reward than the smiles of our students.
It was a special and emotional day, both for us and for everyone present.
Congratulations to all our students who have made it to the next grade!
Sensei Grzegorz Stachurski
The Country Representative and
The Branch Chief of Spain