15.-18. of June we held our summercamp in Tromsø as we have been doing for more than 40 years.
The camp took place in our dojo.
For the first time Shihan Tachibana was the main instructor, Sensei Sugimoto was assisting as co instructor. First time we had japanese instructors was back in 2007. One good thing with shihans teaching is that he is very specific about the details.
Little over 50 students took part in the camp this year, Shihan Radoslaw from Poland was also present and we had visitors from Harstad and Finnsnes.
We started thurseday evening with a good session including kihon and idogeiko. All together we had 10 sessions including dan and kyu test.
The following days we did kata and kumite technic training, last session Saturday evening was light sparring more than 30 rounds of one min.
Sunday it was Sushiho for black and brown belts. We worked with the changes decided from Japan, for the rest it was idogeiko and lower grade kata.
Last thing on the program was kyu and dan test, 24 students took part in the test.
One of our students testet for Shodan, han he is still waiting for his result.
We will thank Shihan Tachibana and Sensei Sugimoto for their effort to give us a good camp, we hope to see them again in Tromsø.
Photos: Tromsø karateklubb
Norwegian So kyokushin
Bjørn Willumsen