Children’s Kumite
After the long period of closure due to the pandemic, it was possible to organize a Karatè Kyokushinkai So Kyokushin event in Italy and on Sunday 16 April the “Kumite Children” took place in Sannicola which saw the participation of about 190 young athletes.
With the patronage of the Municipality of Sannicola and the CSEN Lecce sports promotion body, this event hosted about 13 Dojos (karate schools) from the province of Lecce and the provinces of Taranto and Bari.
The presence of the mayor of Sannicola underlined the importance of sport in the growth of our children who, oriented towards a martial discipline, receive principles of respect and education from an early age on which the rules of Karate are formed!
The event organized by the Sannicola dojo directed by Sensei Centonze Luciano & Sensei Zocco Massimo is a So-Kyokushin Italia event directed by Branch Chief Shihan Casto Samuele.
The age of the participating athletes was divided by category and this in three weight ranges and involved children from 4/5 years up to 10/11 in the non-competitive range and 12/13 years in the agonist range with suitable full contact Karatè rules at any specific age.
“ I am satisfied with the success of the event and with the results of our boys, said Shihan Casto, because it becomes for us the yardstick for evaluating the training and teaching methods we practice in the dojo so that we can improve together and always reach new and important milestones.
A thank you also goes to the parents of these young athletes who are always present and willing to sacrifice a public holiday dedicated to sport and the sound principles that govern it!