Report from IKO World So-Kyokushin International Summer Seminar 2022,
Szczecin, Poland
On the 15th of June 2022, Szczecin city, Poland hosted Shihan Cameron Quinn, who came to Poland for the very first time at the invitation of sensei Radek Ambroziak (The Branch Chief & Country Representative of Poland) and the HUSARIA Szczecin Dojo to conduct the IKO World So-Kyokushin International Summer Seminar 2022. Around 140 karatekas from all over the country and invited guests from Great Britain (Shihan Mac Robertson, Sensei Phil Sedgmond), Germany ( Senpai Alek Cywińśki) and Switzerland (Shihan Eduard Gabathuler) participated in the seminar on 17-19 JUNE 2022. The theme of the seminar was the well-known saying of shihan Cameron “… A block is a Lock is a Blow is a Throw …”, which allowed us to delve into the secrets of bunkai, kaisai, oyo and left material for improvement and study for years. A question-and-answer session, during which the participants of the seminar could talk with our guest about the life of Masutatsu Oyama, the philosophy of martial arts and his book “The Budo Karate of Mas Oyama”, which will be available in Polish in the Autumn. All keiko was conducted in a very friendly, even family atmosphere, which was shared by all participants, organizers and institutions supporting the event. We would like to express our gratitude to the Szczecin City Hall, Vulcan Training & Consultancy Training Center, Hotel Vulcan, and the Okiem Sportowca team for supporting this unique event. We would like to invite you now, for the Summer Seminar in Szczecin, Poland next year. OSU !!!
Radek Ambroziak
ラデック アンブロジャック
The Branch Chief & Country Representative of Poland