9-12 of june could we finally after two year with covid restrictions wish students welcome to summercamp. 56 students had signed in this year, we had participations from England,Wales and Finland.
Cameron Quinn shihan from Australia was the main instructor, he is well known for his teaching and good seminars and also for writing The Budo karate of Mas Oyama.
Mac Robertson shihan from So Kyokushin UK was also present and did a little teaching for us.
Normaly every session is in the dojo, but this time we had rented a sport hall which we used most of the time, but the grading was in the dojo.
All together we had 9 sessions from thursday evening til sunday morning.
Shihan led us through kumite sessions with focus on balance,relaxation ,accuracy, timing and speed.
We worked in range 1-5 and transfer between.
He also did a session with bunkai from Tensho, very interesting.
Last post on the program sunday was dan and kyu test. It was a demanding test after several days of training, but the students was well prepared.
Two students went for dan test and they are now waiting for the result.
Sunday evening when everything was over we went to a resturant and had a good meal together.
After the camp I was left with a good feeling, all went well and instructors and students was happy.
Hope this event helps us to work even harder in the future to develop So Kyokushin.
Thank you everyone for taking part in our camp, hope to see you soon again.
Best regards
Norwegian So Kyokushin
Bjørn Willumsen
Photo Sven Jonsson