Report Norwegian So Kyokushin summercamp Tromsø 13 – 16 of June

This year Shihan Hugo A Perez from Canada was our main instructor, he made a very good impression with his knowledge and way of teaching.

70 students took part in the camp so it was sold out. Most of the students were from our own dojo but we had also visitors from other dojos.

It was all together 9 classes during the camp started Thursday evening

Shihan gave instructions in kihon, ido geiko, kata and kumite.  We did several good exercises in kumite class with block and counter attack which we are going use in our teaching

On Saturday we had a black belt class where Shihan gave instruction in advanced kata.

Last event on Saturday was the technical dan and kyu test.

Sunday we had our kumite test for the dan candidates, two for Nidan and 5 for Shodan.

After many good and hard fights the camp was over and everybody was tired and happy.

In the evening we held a sayonara party with good Thai food.

We will thank Shihan Hugo Perez for his effort to give us a good camp, and we welcome him back.

All photos Kenneth Augdal


Text: Sensei Bjørn Willumsen

