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The Kyokushin Cup 2016-The 3rd All UK Open Karate Tournament held on 9th April 2016 in Caledonian University, Glasgow
The Kyokushin Cup 2016 the All UK Open Karate Tournament was a great success, in total 46 competitors (children and adults) participated. We had participants from a number of different Karate organisations: Daido-juku,Ashhara Karate,Seishin-Do Karate and Kyokushin Karate. For the first time we held a Kata tournament as well as a junior Kumite championship. We were happy to see strong Budo spirit and good sportsmanship from participants. I’d like to thank everyone who joined us and put their trust in us.
Special thanks to all the instructors who brought competitors, referred and acted as corner judges for the Tournament: Shihan Ian Rodger, Sensei Mirek Pawlicki, Sempai Suraj Bandara, Sempai Ian Cameron I’d also like to thank all the competitors who did their best on the day.

Results: Men open weight category:
1st Craig Maclachlan
2nd Oleg Bond
3rd Ian Liddle
4th Thomas Mechin

The Tournament was organised by Shihan Prasanna Fernando, Kyokusinkaikan So-Kyokushin United Kingdom.


Reported by Jonatahn Mendoza
Secretary Sokyokushin The United Kingdom