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Below the last event of the Italian Branch of the January 25, 2015

“The Martial Arts are the set of technical, physical condition, will power and spirituality.
These four components are orchestrated in a wise and perfected Kyokushinkai in a long journey of constant training and challenging.

But what is the limit of the body than the mind and spirit? As the laws of physics and matter involved in the technique?

We’ll find out in a workout devoted to “physical kyokushin” where every gesture will pass the scrutiny of the scientific lens in order to confirm or discredit the effectiveness.

The event is organized in collaboration with:
KWF Oikk Kyokushin World Federation – Official Italian Branch Chief Shihan Thomas Schirinzi
IKKO –Italy Branch So-Kyokushin Shihan Casto Samuel
AssociazioneItaliana Shin-Kyokushinkai of SenseiFrancesco Fina “

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