All-Russian winter camp January 27-28 2018 Russia, Kazan was held at a very high level.
The seminar is the national Union of Karate Kyokushin Kaikan.
Participation of 135 athletes from Petrozavodsk, Kazan, Leninogorsk, Laishevo. Two days of the workshop considered all the subtleties of kihon, Idoo, kata that will help our children to further improve their technique. I would like to thank our guests and friends Branch-chief Valentin Ryncyn and Branch-chief Roman Al’kin for the master class on interpretation of kata. It was very cool! The seminar was held Kyu, Dan test. All participants Kyu test passed! 

The result of the Dan test:  

Bakirov Linar 1st Dan 
Nazyrov Artur 2 Dan 
Dubrovin Andrey 2 Dan 
Gordeeva Ekaterina 2 Dan
Bernashevskiy Andrey 2 Dan 
Kanashev Alexey 2 Dan 
Buslaev Vitaliy 3 Dan

Congratulations!!! Osu!