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Wiklund Dojo junior autumn camp was helt i Sweden So-kyokushin HonbuDojo
9-10-11 oktober 2015 Sweden So-kyokushin held its annual 27 year’s autumn camp for all the youngest juniors in Gävle town of
Wiklund Djojo. 40 junior entended.
Wiklund Dojo annual autumn camps is a weekend for juniors Looking forward in to a great weekend with Tameshiwari test kumite and Kata friendly tournament. and Tamashiwari test.
 Some  new record in Tameshiwari was made .Finally, on the Sunday after the junior tournament was time for Tamashiwaii test for closer 200 facing parents with family and friends.
What I try to teach the children from the beginning is Positiv thinking in training .
Think positiv or Think negative The choice is yours .So is the result .You are what you Think no better no worse .If you paint a mental Picture of yourself as a perennial loser,what cha…nce is there ?.You have the potential .Belive in yourself .

Convince your own mind that you can do anything you want.
You are steel, unbreakable
water , ungraspable
fire unbeatable.
Big Osu:))