Notice海外情報 2024.11.15 the international tournament that in Tunisia 2024.11.10 Opening New Dojo in Canada 2024.11.10 Sokyokushin Kuwait championship 2024.11.08 Nihon bunkanohi in Moldova 2024.11.04 Moscow Championship So-Kyokushin 2024.11.04 State Level Karate Tournament in Tamilnadu, India 2024.10.28 All-Iran Sokyokushin Karate tournament in the city of Yazd 2024.10.23 the drawing contest, So-Kyokushin Spain 2024.10.23 So-Kyokushin Kazakhstan tournaments 2024.10.23 the closed training of the Tunisian So Kyokushin team 1 2 3 … 77 次のページ»