On the weekend of July 29th to 31st So-Kyokushin UK held their 1st Organisation summer camp since Joining the So-Kyokushin Organisation.
The Camp was attended by 80+ students from 6 different countries and a mix of junior and senior students.
Shihan Cameron Quinn : Australia
Shihan Bjorn Willumsen: Norway
Sensei Radalaw Ambroziak : Poland
Shihan Mac Robertson: England
Sensei Maximillian Gusset : Switzerland
Sensei Phill Sedgmond : Wales

Shihan Mac and Shihan Cameron led the camp that was organised and hosted by Sensei Phill Sedgmond and Senpai Rhian Evans (Wales). Training sessions from Shihan Cameron were fantastic sessions, covering Bunkai, Foot work and Ground work giving great insight to defence strategies from the ground. The camp ran 15.5 hrs of classes over 7 sessions.
Sessions from Shihan Mac were of Ritsuzen and Kumite which led on perfectly from Shihan Camerons sessions throughout the weekend.
Sensei Phill broke 3 boards which were signed by all the So-Kyokushin Instructors that attended the camp as a lasting memory of the 1st So-Kyokushin UK Summer camp.
The camp developed a friendly atmosphere from the first session and continued throughout the weekend ending with a great family feeling at the end of the camp marking a very emotional moment for all.

We look forward to hosting more great events in the future and forging more friendships as we go.


So-Kyokushin UK
On Behalf of Shihan Mac Robertson.