Osu Shihan、Sensei、Senpai

I hope everyone is well.
I am sending you news on some activities that our dojo was involved in the past few weeks.

1: On 28 April 2018 we were invited to Shinkyokushin torunament under Branch Chief Deen Daniels. Competiors from Shinkyokushin, So-Kyokushin and Josui Kaikan were there.

2: On 5 May 2018 we attended the Gichin Karate (Shotokan) fund raising event under Shihan Andre De Vries. The nevent was attended by Gichin karate, Kenwyn Go Ju Ryu and ourselves.

3: On 12 May 2018 we were invited to Ashihara Karate International tournament under Kaicho Hoosain Narker. Competiors from , Ashihara Karate, Kenpo Karate, Kenwyn Go Ju Ryu, Zensikai Go Ju Ryu and ourselves attended.
