We’ve recently finished the Polish Kata & Kumite Seminar which was organised by Polish So-Kyokushin Branch and Karate Kyokushin Dojo Sosnowski Sport Club and we can proudly announce that – it was worth it!!! 3 days of studying the secrets of karate, almost 100 adepts including magnificient guests and real professionals – it was definately the best sport event of the year in karate world in our region…” – that’s the commentry in Polish media about So-Kyokushin Seminar which was held on 16-18.10.2020 in Elk, Poland. The seminar programme was accomplished in 100% including keiko which concerned kihon, kata, kumite, combat and referees training in which over 40 participants took part. At the end of the seminar shihan Krzysztof Borowiec was given, straight from Japan from Hanshi Daigo Ohishi, a 6 DAN certificate and 6 Dan Obi. Moreover, Branch Chiefs certificates sent from Honbu Dojo were also given to shihan Krzysztof Borowiec, shihan Piotr Zembrzuski and shihan Józef Pietras. Congratulations!!! We’d like to thank our host – Dojo Sosnowski for hospitality, logistic support on the highest level, thank to all shihans for sharing their knowledge and thank to all participants for an incredible atmosphere, smile and involvment during keiko.
See you all soon!!